If you or your friends are apt to a missionary adventure, serving the Lord as a prayer warrior/intercessor, evangelist, teacher, pastor, prophet, apostle, and the like, send us an email at goodnewsmissioninternational@aol.com.
But before you do, if you are a "young" and aspiring missionary, here are a few things to ponder upon--
1. What does it mean to you to carry the cross and follow Jesus?
2. What does it mean to you when you say, "Jesus is my King and Savior"?
3. How's your character?
* As a missionary, are you able to submit to human authority such as leaders/elders, local pastors, etc. and be an instrument of unity (not division).
*Will you not "scatter" what has been "gathered"?
*Are you able to handle cultural differences?
*Do you possess good manners--affording others courtesy/respect in word and in deed?
4. How's your maturity as a person?
*Are you able to take rebuke, or do you take things personally (easily get offended) to the point of ending up in anger, depression, bitterness, unforgiveness, slander, holding grudges, revenge, etc?
*Are you able to take care of yourself, or do you need your mother to cook for you and/or clean up your mess?
*Do you feel happy and secure when someone else does a job better than you do, or do you feel the opposite?
*Are you dependable and responsible, able to perform your duties with accountability, initiave, and industry and without being reminded?
*Do you have self-discipline?
5. What do you value?
*The mind of Christ or the mind of the world?
*Honesty or lie?
*Humility or pride/arrogance?
*Passion or passivity?
*Flexibility or rigidity?
*Accountability or irresponsibility?
*Loyalty to God or to man?
*Complacency or urgency?
*How important is integrity to you?
*Do you value prayer and fasting and worship?
6. Why do you want to serve the Lord--for money, fame, to gain friends, love for Jesus?
7. Are you a team player? Do you continue to work/cooperate with other people even if your suggestions are not taken and/or your efforts are not recognized as you would expect?
8. How rooted are you in the Word of God?
Are you ready? Email us at goodnewsmissioninternational@aol.com or sherrybenishministries@aol.com.